About my handmade floral jewellery and hairpieces

Svetlana Faulkner, a textile artist from Norwich, UK: Transforming white silk into artistic handmade flowers and exquisite accessories

Svetlana Faulkner textile artist

 Hello and welcome to my magical garden of handmade flowers!

“What is magical about them?” –  I hear you say.

Is it not magic when a flat piece of white silk after a number of transformations is turned into a colourful three dimensional piece of wearable art?  believe it is.

My name is Svetlana Faulkner and I live and work in Norwich, Norfolk, UK. I am one of the UK’s leading designers of art flowers made with fabric and genuine leather employing advanced techniques. Following my extensive training with some of the experts in the craft from Russia and Japan, I have founded the PresentPerfect Creations studio.

I juggle parenting, gardening, cooking and her passionate devotion at PresentPerfect Creations to various degrees of succes 😀. I am the creative force behind my brand. In fact, I am involved in the whole process of producing flower pieces from design to material selection through to actual making and assembling elements into a finished piece.

All PresentPerfect Creations items I offer here are made from scratch. Most of them are hand dyed which is why the studio is able to offer a stunning range of accessories ready to ship as well as made to order in most colours to match your theme, preferences or outfit.

The collection includes hand crafted intricate hair adornments, headbands. hairpieces and cocktail hats, brooches and corsages, necklaces, shoe clips, young girls hair accessories and so much more.Svetlana Faulkner textile artist

As a textile artist, I am inspired by the colour and shape, the variety of flowers in nature, the arts and fashion, textiles and gardening. I try to constantly challenge and perfect my techniques to ensure each and every creation is made to my own exacting standards of excellence.

PresentPerfect Creations pieces are made with absolute attention to detail and fine craftsmanship. This is why they appeal to the discerning individuals, who appreciate originality and quality.

All orders are lovingly wrapped ensuring a safe delivery across the globe to reach their new owners.

After starting with an Etsy shop back in 2011 and developing my skills through hard work, experimentation and study, I launched this website three years later.

As well as creating wearable textile and leather art, I am happy to share my knowledge with anyone who wishes to learn in several different ways. One (quick and affordable) option to learn this breathtaking craft is through my instant downloadable photo tutorials or readily accessible video courses on a range of fabric and leather flower accessories. If you happen to live in the UK or are willing to travel and can attend a flower making workshop in person, I will guide you every step of the way through the creative process of the making of a flower. For details please visit Tuition section of my website.

If you wish to get useful flower making tips and stay updated with our news on tutorial releases and workshop schedule you are welcome to join my mailing list below

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