If you prefer to work with brushes that are purposefully designed for painting silk and silk flowers, now you have a chance to own a set of silk painting brushes.
The silk painting brushes are made of horse hair and come in 3 widths. They are characterised by great water and dye retention and slow release of them on to the fabrics. They are flat, do not roll off dye dishes or palettes.
These brushes are jam-packed full of natural hair and therefore required soaking before use. Simply place them in a jar of clean cold water at least an hour before you need them.
The offer is limited.
In case if the brushes are sold out you can back-order them.
You can use these brushes with all of our popular fabric flower tutorials like Silk Dandelion Clock Tutorial , Fabric Leaves Tutorial , Silk Peony Tutorial , Silk Wild Rose Tutorial, Silk Orchid Tutorial to name a few.
Should you have any questions regarding the brushed, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at

Now we offer a wider brush of 15 mm here
as well as a very narrow brush of 3 mm here,
~ We ship worldwide ~
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