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Silk Cropped Petal Rose Buttonhole Tutorial


Detailed step-by-step tutorial on the original silk cropped petal rose for flower artists with previous experience and a set of millinery tools.

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glue for making flowers
Creating beautiful handmade flowers can be tricky. To make the process as easy and as enjoyable as possible, I recommend you use the right tools and supplies for the job. Thick tacky glue for flower making is perfect for assembling multipetal flowers like roses. You can order yours from my shop here.
This tutorial is designed to introduce elements of beadwork into silk flower making as well as shaping rose petals using a SOFT pad. You will find it particularly useful if you want to learn how to make very decorative stylised roses for your projects.

It may have taken us some time but we are happy to present you with this original tutorial on stylised silk roses featuring cropped petals. Perfect for weddings and beyond, this striking and versatile rose can easily be used in other accessories, hat trims and hair pieces. The tutorial is aimed at intermediate and advanced flower makers with a set of flower tools (can be ordered here) denim hat with roses

The thorough step-by-step detailed photo tutorial reveals the secrets of this unusual and oh-so-stylish rose. You will be able to create a wearable buttonhole with one silk cropped petal rose, some stylised berries and a complex leaf as well as (hopefully) many more wonderful pieces with this original rose flower.

With more than 200 pictures explaining in detail the whole process of creating your own silk cropped petal rose buttonhole, the 112 page pdf tutorial (no hard copy is available) will unlock the mystery behind the silk cropped petal rose. I have included the pattern which you can enlarge or reduce in size depending on your project. The photo tutorial comes with an additional video that demonstrates most tricky points for you.

To create the silk cropped petal rose buttonhole you will require some millinery tools. Please refer to the photo which shows which tools (or similar) you will need for this tutorial. To purchase a set of 2 extra narrow millinery tools that can be used for shaping the foliage and the calyxes in this tutorial  please click here for more information.

We are pleased to be able to offer material kits for this tutorial, Please find more information on silk cropped petal rose buttonhole kits at https://presentperfectcreations.com/product/diy-material-kit-for-making-a-silk-cropped-petal-rose/

silk cropped petal rose tutorialWhat you will learn in the silk cropped petal rose tutorial:

🌸 how to dye petals, leaves and other parts of the buttonhole

🌸 how to back the calyxes and the complex leaf with other fabrics

🌸 how to shape rose petals in an unusual way to create the original look of the rose

🌸 how to shape calyxes and leaves with millinery tools

🌸 how to create a decorative beaded centre for the rose

🌸 how to assemble the silk cropped petal rose

🌸 how to shape and assemble stylised berries

🌸 how to assemble and finish the silk cropped petal rose buttonhole

Level:  intermediate+ (requires neatness and patience, some previous experience in fabric flower making is necessary)
Time: about 8 hours on average (plus the drying time)


Please have a look at the list of materials and tools and if you are not sure you have everything you need please convo us before buying the silk cropped petal rose tutorial to clarify any questions you might have.

Purchase this tutorial now and you will be able to download it the minute your payment has cleared.
To open the file with a tutorial you will need a programme called Adobe Reader (or similar), and it is free to download online.

PLEASE NOTE: NO MATERIALS are included in the price. The price you pay is for a .pdf ebook. There is no charge for postage.

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