Packed with tips and hints this 22 page fabric leaves tutorial (no hard copy is available) will teach you how to create impressive fabric leaves for you projects every time. I have included the patterns too. You can use silks, velvet, lace to make just the right leaves you require. No more fruitless searches online when you can make them yourself in a matter of minutes. The tricky points are explained further with 2 additional videos.
Who is the fabric leaves tutorial for:
– milliners
– accessory designers
– silk flower makers
– those, who know how to work with a flower iron and would like to improve their results.

I would NOT recommend this tutorial for:
– complete novices in French flower making
– those, who DO NOT have a flower iron for making silk flowers / millinery tools
The tools and the flower iron tips that are required for making the leaves are shown in the pictures. At the moment you can purchase two of the most widely used tools here and start making unique millinery leaves straightaway.
Some beautiful factory stiffened professional fabrics for making leaves can be found at
I would recommend to try Rayon Satin for leaves with a beautiful sheen or cotton velvet for matte velvety leaves.
Purchase this tutorial now and you will be able to download it the minute your payment has cleared (usually it takes a couple of hours for PayPal payments, instant download is available for payments done by credit cards via direct checkout ).
To open the file with a tutorial you will need a programme called Adobe Reader (or similar), and it is free to download on-line.
PLEASE NOTE: NO MATERIALS are included in the price. The price you pay is for a .pdf e-book. There is no charge for postage.
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