tube making tool

Flower shaping tools, part 6: TUBE MAKING TOOL

tube making toolFor 2019 I have planned a series of short videos demonstrating how to works with different types of flower tools.
I believe this will help you understand your tools better and use them to their full potential achieving great shapes and lines on your petals and leaves.

This is the sixth video in the series, for which I have chosen the rare but intriguing tool: the tube making tool. A Japanese version of this tool can be purchased here

In fact in the video I am showing 2 styles of this tool, a European and a Japanese. You can also come across it in other shapes but the principle of use will be exactly the same as I am demonstrating in the video today.

You can successfully use the tube making tool for making tubes out of different types of fabrics (feel free to experiment here) as well as natural leather.

tube making tool

I prefer to work with stiffened materials and recommend you do the same for neat and consistent results. 

Although the process is pretty straightforward, to achieve nicely looking smooth and even tubes some practice will be required.

In case if your fabric has the right and the wrong sides make sure your tubes display the best side of the fabric on the outside (think of satin).
Use these tubes in your brooches, corsages and headpieces to imitate grass, stems and add interest to flowers alongside foliage, berries etc. The tubes have been featured in one of our previous tutorials, the Leather Cornflower Tutorial.
Currently the European style tube making  tool can be purchased as part of the 14 pc European set of tools or the more extensive 22 pc set of tools. The Japanese tube making tool is sold on its own and can be acquired to enhance the set of tools you already own.

To purchase the tube making tools, either as part of sets, or on its own use the links below the video.

Meanwhile watch the video I have prepared for you today (see the button below) where I am demonstrating how to use this mysterious tool with fabric and leather, and (hopefully) discover something new for yourself [[name]].


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  1. Marie Vanesse du Chardon
    | Reply

    Thank you for this really useful tutorial about that strange tool 😉

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